Asking Titans: What’s Been the Best Part of Your Day So Far?

Tamra Wegner and Jacob Markham

Here at the Titan Tribune, we have interviewed several people about something quite wholesome – the best parts of their days! We received 21 diverse answers to our questions, ranging from ordinary to not-so-ordinary. Here they are!

1. “Without a doubt, the homemade waffle that Mr. Morrell brought in with my coffee in second period.” –Mr. Siess

2. “Bringing in a waffle for Siess. Watching his face when he saw the waffle.” -Mr. Morrell

3. “Charlie.” Ben Morrow

4. “Seeing the preschoolers at Tiny Titans Preschool.” -Emily Oldroyd

5. “Kissing my partner. I love seeing them… be happy.” -JJ Curran

6. “I pissed off my ex-boyfriend.” -Anonymous

7. “This cookie is pretty good. And the student store having Gatorade.” -Reilly Files

8. “Jacey just gave me a little bee. And I love it.” -Jay Van Der Burght

9. “The best part of my day so far has probably been watching one of my friends present something in history class. It was really funny.” -Wesley McCandlish

10. “Probably eating this cookie.” -Bailey Gleich

11. “I got to play Minecraft in third period.” -Ricky Johnson

12. “Talking about parasites!” -Mrs. Curry

13. “I just bought a bunch of new pairs of shoes, and I’m showing off my first pair today.” -Mr. Alice

14. “That’s a hard question. I got to drive, and I did pretty well. So, that was improvement for me. That was the best part of my day.” -Owen Robertson

15. “To be honest, I’m RIZZING up. No, I’m kidding. I mean, just like, hanging out with friends, messing around, talking with my classmates. That’s it – just messing around. Subscribe to ‘Serpa has No bounce’ on YouTube.” -Alex Serpa

16. “I’d like to say Nicholas is the best part of my day. And Spanish class was pretty cool – we didn’t do anything. It was pretty… wild, in there.” -Charlie Barge

17. “My favorite part of the day is probably Spanish, because we had a sub, and didn’t do anything. And it got CRAZY.” -Nicholas Cowling

18. “My high point of the day was basketball practice yesterday. Yeah, that was fun, I like basketball. For today though, I’d say hanging out with my friends at lunch, because I love friends.” -Henry Dunseth

19. “My favorite part of today is hearing students’ opinions about a topic we were getting ready to explore, and they had a good time, and I had a good time with knowing more about them.” -Mrs. Stevens

20. “Probably band, because we’re working on a new setlist and it’s fun to play music.” -Victor Vitorino and Savannah Lee

21. “I talked about romance with my teacher in 4th period – that was pretty fun.” -Jayden Baker

Thank you to all who contributed. It’s been quite wholesome to see what’s been making our fellow Titans happy. As always, every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day! We hope to do this again soon, so be ready for some more fun Q&As!

Signing off, 

Tamra Wegner and Jacob Markham